Finding Connecticut is an ideal resource for staying informed on the latest events, performances, and small businesses across the state. Our readers get up-to-date information about Connecticut from Greenwich to Stonington; Thompson to Salisbury, ensuring they have the most comprehensive knowledge of the state.
We are 100% woman owned and operated!Â
We have partnered with Connecticut’s favorite venues, sports teams, and businesses to bring a unique Connecticut experience to our readers. Our passion to share the latest news mixed with finding the great things that Connecticut has to offer including businesses, job listings and real estate opportunities.Â
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Numbers are from January 2024
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Affordable options • Banner Ads • Social Media Posts • In Post Banner Ads • Write Ups • Jobs Listings • Business Listings * Website advertising is designed to also help your website SEOÂ
Free options • We only accept submissions from Connecticut businesses and organizations. All submissions should include a photo or two. • Events – We do not accept events that are with in the next three days from the date of the event. If you send us events please send them once they announced to the general public.