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If you have any press releases, story ideas, or news tips that you would like to share, please send them to pressreleases (Yes there here is a space to help cut back on spam)

All event-based press releases will be included in our event calendar.

Tips on submitting press releases:

Please ensure that your subject line is specific

Our newsroom receives hundreds of emails every day. To ensure that your message is not overlooked, it is essential that your subject line is clear and relevant to Connecticut. If your subject line appears to be spam or has no connection to Connecticut, there’s a possibility that your email might be deleted without even being read. So, please make sure to compose a clear and relevant subject line for your email.

Note: If you are already sending us submissions to our email please DO NOT send us submissions to both emails. We work out of two email boxes and we do not need nor want duplicates of submissions. It will not get your submission on the website and shared on our social media any faster.

We have the right not to post your submission at any time due to time, subject matter, or spammy content.

We only accept submissions that are Connecticut based. We will not post submissions about or in New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, or any other state that is not Connecticut.

We will not work with or accept paid submissions from bloggers looking to post their non-Connecticut spammy content.

Include the four Ws

Make sure to provide the who, what, when, and where of your event or accomplishment or submission.


We do not publish submissions without a photo or an image. Please make sure a landscape shape photo and or a logo is included.